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3st International Congress on Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies ABSTRACT BOOK

ICSSIET CONGRESS 3 st International Congress on Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies

Editors Dr. Enkeleda LULAJ

Dr. Muzammel SHAH

ISBN: 978-625-8284-19-5

Publishing Date: 09.09.2022

All rights of this book belong to Global Academy Publishing House. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, retrieved system, ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the Global Academy Publishing House.

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©Copyright September, 2022

Certificate No: 64419

Global Academy Publishing House The individual essays remain the intellectual properties of the contributors. All papers published in this abstract book have been peer reviewed.

Lian Junxiang

Utilization of Duolingo as A Supplementary Formative Assessment Tool in Primary Year 5 English Class 1-3

Duong Anh Son, Tran Vang-Phu & Luu Hoang Dzung

Situation and Solutions to Improve Agricultural Export Quality in Vietnam 4-7

Shilpi Sharma & Rana Majumdar

Personalized learning using Artificial Intelligence 8-9

Esra S. Döngül

Can Robots Become Managers? A glimpse into the Evolution of Robotics 10

Pham Yen Nhi

Social Housing Policy in Vietnam: Analysis and Suggestions 11-13

Monica Mastrantonio, Raveenthiran Vivekanantharasa Raveenthiran Vivekanantharasa & Lidia Martinez

Diversity in Daily Living – an international survey for individual practices 14-16

Marco I. Bonelli

The relationship between multi-nationality and performance in US large capitalization multinational companies 17-20

Javiera Rosell, Feridun Kaya & Alvaro Vergés

Ageism among Turkish Adults: Predictive Role of Some Personal and Emotional Factors 21

Feridun Kaya

A Study of Adaptation of Forgiveness Self-Efficacy Scale to Turkish Language 22

Medynska Nataliia, Hunko Liudmyla

Formation of the Economic Mechanism of Nature Use in Ukraine 23-24

Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Dr. Valbona Çinaj Ribaj, Melania Riefolo, Luigi Blescia

A Review on Digital Marketing Management During the Pandemic Period 25

Md. Harun Rashid, Wang Hui

Discuss the benefits of using literature with ESL students and the various approaches 26

Gulshan Sadaf, Maimona Saleem, Fakhira Zaman

Cyber Bullying Solutions in Developing States 27-28

Assist. Prof. Mr. Sagar Bhatt

Social Media: Marketing Approaches in Hotel & Restaurant Management in India 29-32

Md. Harun Rashid & Wei Li

The importance of vocabulary in teaching and learning in applied linguistics 33-36

Dr. Velankanni Alex- Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere

A Constructivist Approach to the Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary School 37-39

Putri Hergianasari, Rizki Amalia Yanuartha, Mr. Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere

Digital Transformation Shapes Post-Covid-Geopolitics 40-42

Jahirul Islam

Cultural Hegemony of Indian Subcontinent is Barrier for Women’s Emancipation: an Analysis of Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Monika Ali’s Brick Lane 43-46

Dr. A. Shameem

CSR initiatives influencing corporate image 47-48

Dr. A. Shameem & Mohammed Ismail P.

Influence of knowledge sharing in social capital dimensions 49-50

Mr. S. Arunkumar & Jipson Joseph

Minimisation of logistical risks with blockchain 51-52

H.G. Hasanov, I.M. Zeynalov

The Role of Meteorological and Geographic Specifications in Formation of Radioactive Precautions 53-54

Eze Benneth, PhD

Female Employees’ Commitment and Nigerian Deposit Money Banks’ Performance 55-56

Prince Verma

Assessing the scope of Pro - Poor Tourism in India: A community -based approach for Poverty Alleviation 57-59

Mina Ghiasabadi Farahani

The Role of Storytelling in Fostering Children's Thinking and Participatory Learning 60

Dr. Velankanni Alex, Dr. Ferdin Joe John Joseph, Mr. Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere

Information Technology and its Effect on Mathematics Student’s Academic Motivation 61-64

Ajeet Jaiswal

COVID 19: Digital Technologies Vs Socio Technological in the Fight Against 65-69

Quyen Le Thi To, Duyen Nguyen Thi My, Dung Phuong Le

Sustainable Tourism Development in Sam Mountain, Chau Doc City, Vietnam 70-76

Dr. Ijaz Yusuf and Manahil Fatima

Conceptual Model for Unveiling the Causes of Inflation using Feedback Loops 77-80

Dr. Shams Ur Rahman, Mr. Jawad Kabir, Mr. Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Dr. Afef Khalil Afraseyab Khattak

Factor Affecting Perceived Benefits from Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Textile Sectors of Pakistan 81-83

Mellouli Amal & Tijani Omar

Internal communication and social performance: The case of Moroccan companies 84

Assist. Prof. Saumyabrata Nath Dr. Manisha Choudhary Dr. Sonali N. Tholia Miss Gayatri R. Pillai

The Study on the Emerging Trends of Social Media as a Platform for Retail Marketing with Reference to Flipkart in Mumbai City - India 85-86

Chikezie Kalu, Olani Bekele, Simeon Ebhota

Innovative Data Driven Analysis of Water Management for Effective Agricultural Practices 87-89

Novriest Umbu Walangara Nau, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Kristena Esther Angkow, Vicky Joshua

Contending the Border Interest and the Protection of Human Rights: Analysis of the European Union Role to the Migrants Crisis Issues at the Turkey Greece- Border in 2020 90-95

Hasan Basri Tarmizi, Azhar Maksum, Iskandar Muda , Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Gustiandi, Muhammad Hirzi

Why is it Control and Auditability so Important in Today’s Virtual Environment? 96-97

Iskandar Muda , Erlina, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere , Siti Arla Anita Suheri Hasibuan, Karina Maharani-

The Situation and the Problem with Computer-related Crimes 98-100

Azhar Maksum, Ibnu Austrindanney Sina Azhar, Iskandar Muda, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere , Nifta Salsabilla, Tiara Surahva

Role of Asynchronous Transfer Method (ATM) on Corporate 101-102

Mutia Ismail, Ibnu Austrindanney Sina Azhar , Iskandar Muda , Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere , Andre Giovanni Febru Tamba, Verchiana Isnata

The Top Ten Reasons for the Start Up of IT Auditing? 103-105

Assist. Prof. Mrs. R.Divyaranjani & Mr.Sreerag R.G, Student

A Study and Analysis of Factors Affecting Chennai Port Operations 106

Assist. Prof. Divyaranjani, B.Krishnaveni

Perception and Attitude of Employees Related to Training and Development in Bright Auto Plast Pvt Ltd, Chennai 107-108

Divyaranjani, Madan Mohan.S

A Study on the Production and Export of Mangoes From India 109

Prof. Dr.D.Rajasekar, Dr.S.R.Deepa

Empirical study on passenger’s perception to fly before and during Covid-19 pandemic – with respect to Chennai Airport 110-111

Meryem Yağmur

Üst Yönetimin Karakteristik Özelliklerinin Büyüme Stratejine Etkisi/The Effect of Senior Management's Characteristics on Growth Strategy 112

Lecturer, Dr. Asiye Yüksel & Lecturer, Dr. Barış Demir

İnovasyona Yeni Arayışlar: İnovatif ve Matematiksel Okuryazarlık/ New Searches for Innovation: Innovative and Mathematical Literacy 113-114

Kadir Gökoğlan & Nazan Güngör Karyağdı

A Study on Auditors; Perceptions of the Added Value of Independent Auditing 115-116

Kadir Gökoğlan & Nazan Güngör Karyağdı

The Role of Accounting Professionals in Creating Internal Control 117

Gül Gümüş

Meslek Lisesi Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Seçimlerindeki Dış Faktörler/External Factors in Career Choices of Vocational High School Students 118

Emil Raul oğlu Ağayev

Triptych "Dedication to Agdam" in the Works of Arif Huseynov (In the Context of Iconographic Analysis) 119-120

Assist. Prof. Hakan Ulum

Okul Matematiği Müfredatının Odak Noktaları: Doküman İncelemesi 121

İpeksu Sözüpek & Assoc. Prof. Derya Girgin

Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Yapmış Oldukları Sosyal ve Etkin Aktivitelerin belirlenmesi 122-123

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Ümit Şevik

Zorunlu Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışının İş-Aile Çatışması Üzerindeki Etkisinde Aile Dostu İş Programlarının Aracı Rolü 124-125

Hilal Dilan Bayram & Assoc. Prof. Derya Girgin

Değişen ve Gelişen Küresel Yaklaşımlar Odağında Eğitim – Öğretim Platformunun Oluşturulması 126-128

Ergün Yurtbakan & Durmuş Ekiz

Reflective Diaries of a Primary School Teacher on Reading Difficulty of a Student with Mild Intellectual Disabled, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder/ Bir İlkokul Öğretmeninin Hafif Zihin Engelli, Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu Olan Bir Öğrencinin Okuma Güçlüğü Üzerine Yansıtıcı Günlükleri 129

Dr. Gökhan Sümer

Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Katılım Bankacılığının Yeri ve Önemi 130-132

Jahirul Islam & Md. Harun Rashid

Cultural Hegemony of Indian Subcontinent is Barrier for Women’s Emancipation: an Analysis of Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Monika Ali’s Brick Lane 133

İrem Bozbeşparmak

Türkiye’de Sağlık Sektöründe Kullanılan Büyük Verinin Hasta Memnuniyetine Etkisi 134

Aynura Valiyeva & Thomas Basil John

Successful organizational business communication and its impact on business performance: An intra and inter organizational perspective 135-136


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