Prof. Dr. Sehl MELLOULI
Dr. Muhammed BEYATLI
Dr. Enkeleda LULAJ
ISBN: 978-625-8284-23-2
Publishing Date: 04.10.2022
All rights of this book belong to Global Academy Publishing House. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, retrieved system, ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the Global Academy Publishing House. Norbe otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover.
©Copyright October, 2022
Certificate No: 64419
Global Academy Publishing House The individual essays remain the intellectual properties of the contributors. All papers published in this proceedings book have been peer reviewed.
Prof. Dr. Sehl MELLOULI AI for Governments: Case Studies i
Dr. Ahmed M. FAKHRUDEEN Towards Realization of Spectrum Sharing of Cognitive Radio Networks ii
Lilly R., Jayasurya R., B. Charith, Anoop LIGY George & Sandeep Kumar GUPTA Estimation of Water Levels in Three Different Phases of Underground Tunnel Construction 1-7
Divyaranjani RAMADOSS, Dr. Sandeep Kumar GUPTA & Rishith VISHAL An Analysis on Ship Routing and Scheduling Problems in Liner Shipping 8-26
Chikezie Kennedy KALU, Prof. Baozhen DAI, Olani Bekele SAKILU & Simeon EBHOTA Novel Hybrid-Relay Cooperative Communications Technique for Agriculture 27-47
ENGR Shamsher KHAN, S.KHAN, Tanzeela SAIJAD, Sanaullah Minimization of Waste in Printing Sector of Pharmaceutical Industry Using Lean Manufacturing 48-56
Hikmat HASANOV & Ismayil ZEYNALOV The use of Satellite data in the Detection of Radioactive Fallout on the Territory of Azerbaijan 57-62
Volkan KAYA & Ismail AKGUL Recognition and Classification of Vegetable Types in Agricultural Areas Using the Mobilenet Model Structure 63-70
Hamdi AYKAS & Irem DUZDAR ARGUN Düzce Province Electricity Energy Demand Forecast 71-78
Nurgül AYKAS & Irem DUZDAR ARGUN Düzce Province Natural Gas Demand Forecast 79-85
Ertugrul DOGANSAHIN, Eser SERT & Muhammed YILDIRIM Sulfur Analysis in Apricot with Deep 86-96
Ömer Galip PINAR Yerel Yönetimlerde Elektronik İhale (E-İhale) Süreçleri ve Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi (Bim) Entegrasyonu 97-119
Kevser SAHINBAS Customer Segmentation with Data from Various Markets Using K-Means Clustering 120-131
Megat Al Imran YASIN, Wendy JITOS &Yusuf DURACHMAN The Application of My Sejahtera in Decision Making by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia in the Battle Against Covid19 Pandemic 132-158