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CHAPTER 7-  MATERIAL DESIGN AND SOCIAL STUDIES USE OF MATERIAL IN HISTORY TEACHING                  145                                                                                                                                                         
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Bozkaya, H. (2023). Chapter 7 Material Design and Social Studies Use of Material in History Teaching. In R. A. H. Chirinos de Jesus (Ed.), International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-II- (pp. 145-166). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

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A history lesson, which is a learning and teaching area, is a lesson consisting of verbal knowledge. Verbal information, which is defined as the information describing "what" a phenomenon is and "why" it is; includes facts, definitions, classifications, scientific laws and models. Objects, people, events, symbols, place names, dates, categories, terms, stories and explanations related to verbal information are included in this information (Deryakulu, 2006). The memorization method is a frequently used method for learning concepts and events related to the past. The structure of the history lesson, which consists of verbal information, has caused some difficulties in learning and teaching this lesson. The students learned the information they learned in the history lesson either from the notes written by the teacher or from the book and by repeating and summarizing it as it was presented to them. This path followed has made the history lesson a lesson learned by rote. This approach, which made the history lesson monotonous and boring, caused the students to lose their interest in the history lesson over time, thus causing the history lesson to be perceived as a lesson consisting of boring stories, not useful for the future, but only telling the past (Şimşek, 2003; Öztürk, 2009; Demircioğlu, 2012; Turan, 2012).

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