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CHAPTER 1- MADRASAHS IN THE SANJAK OF RHODES                                    15
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Baykara Taskaya, A. (2023). Chapter 1 Madrasashs in the Sanjak of Rhodes. In D. H. Dukova & M. Mastrantonio (Ed.), International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences - I - (pp. 15-61). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

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Rhodes Island is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean. Its name is remembered as a place of exile or imprisonment in the Ottoman Empire. We know that in the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566), Eyalet (province) of the Archipelago (Eyālet-i Cezāyir-i Baḥr-i Sefīd in Ottoman Turkish) and this province was first established in the
time of Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) in 1553 by adding Kocaeli, Sığla, Biga from the Eyalet of Anatolia, Eğriboz, İnebahtı, Mezistre, Karlıeli from Eyalet of Rumelia and Lesbos Sanjaks. The boundaries of this province had differed over time (Ünal, 2002: 251-261 and Ünen, 2013). In his 1897 Kamûsü'l-a'lâm, Şemsettin Sami describes late Ottoman Rhodes as a place consisting of a city center and forty-five villages with forty-four mosques (twenty-two in the city), four dervish lodges, three Madrasahs, three baths, ninety-three churches and two synagogues, as well as primary and secondary schools for each religious community (Şemsettin Sami, 1306: 2272-2273). Rhodes Island, which came under Turkish rule in 1522, was occupied by the Italians in 1912 and became Greek territory in 1945 when the Aegean Islands were ceded to Greece. In 1901, the number of Madrasahs was five in the Eyalet of Archipelago Yearbook (1319 Eyalet of Archipelago Yearbook, 207). These are Sırmalı Madrasah, Hurmalı Madrasah, İbrahim Paşa Madrasah, Kurşunlu Madrasah and Suleymaniye Madrasah.

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